We hebben weer een nieuw MTBBaas interview voor jullie! Deze week met een dame niet bang is voor een beetje kou, sneeuw en snelheid. Wij hebben namelijk het interview gehouden met; @kimbinggeli!Wellicht hebben jullie haar naam als een voorbij zien komen op Instagram. Wij posten wel regelmatig een shot van haar! Neem zeker even de moeite om haar account te komen, ze maakt echt hele mooie foto’s!
Lees hieronder ons interview met haar:
1. What’s your name and where are you from?
Hi, my name is Kim Binggeli and I am from Switzerland.
2. How long have you been mountainbiking?
I started with mountainbiking in the year of 2018.
3. Approximately how often do you cycle per week or per month?
As much as possible- normaly 3-4 times a week.
4. What was your first mountainbike?
It was a Hardtail- Giant.
5. Which mountainbike do you ride now?
Actually 3 bikes;
- Moustache Game
- Moustache Trail
- The Yeti SB150
6. What is your top 3 of favorite MTB routes/tracks? And which one is really your favorite?
All in Switzerland:
- Gummenalp- Trail
- Niederhorn- Trail
- Bikekingdom
I’m the most in the Bikekingdom- Cause you have everything there: Bikepark, natural Trails and good community.
7. What is your favorite mountainbike destination abroad?
I LOVE Newzealand!
8. What is your favorite shop / online store for buying your mountainbike, clothing and accessories?
Backdoor shop- Grindelwald.
9. What does your equipment look like? What do you always take with you when you go cycling?
Looks so enduro- Always have my Sandwich with me because I get very hungry on the bike 😉
10. On which channels can people find you?
Instagram: @kimbinggeli #bikerkim